Friday, March 23, 2012

KONY Poster

- This is my KONY poster. I had never used Photoshop before, and I had never worked on art by using a computer. Although I consider myself artistic, it was difficult to come up with this image. In my mind I had an image that I believed was going to be easy to bring to live by using Photoshop, but I was wrong. But, it helped come up with another image that I felt confident about. Not knowing how to use this program really frustrated me, I missed my pencil, and paper. What I'm mostly appreciative about is, that Steven Snell helped me out a lot. He helped me crop out the picture's background, basically, he helped me understand the wonderful world of Photoshop and for that I thank himHe also gave me a link to see different fonts, I really like the fonts I used by the way it gives it decorartes the background just fine. As for what I believe I could have had worked on better was the background and on portraying emotion. Other then that I hope you understand the story that I tried to tell with my KONY 2012 poster.

Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012!

- So, today was my 2nd time watching this video, and well I have been aware of the situation since my freshman year. To finally hear that the Invisible Children Foundation has been able to see results for all these years is HOPE. It means that as humans we can do a lot, by coming together, they started their own REVOLUTION. They brought awareness and then action, and now they're light into our world, to realize what has been occurring with these children. It is sad though to know how long it took for the U.S to approve this aid for the Ugandans.It was said that 2012 was the end of this world, but so far this year will be the beginning to the end of Kony, end to the war in Uganda, and the end for these blinding darkness that made these kids Invisible.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Movie Trailer Project- "Nightmare on Imperial Street"

-So this is our movie trailer parody. Although, I was new to this class I became part of this group, and enjoyed it. Although there was a couple ups and down, I can say it was worth it. I don't really now what to say other than I the turn out of this parody, especially the bloopers. Oh one more thing i don't know if on the credits my Smurfies where given credit, they helped me out a lot. Other then that i had fun with these kids. Hope you like it...