Friday, March 23, 2012

KONY Poster

- This is my KONY poster. I had never used Photoshop before, and I had never worked on art by using a computer. Although I consider myself artistic, it was difficult to come up with this image. In my mind I had an image that I believed was going to be easy to bring to live by using Photoshop, but I was wrong. But, it helped come up with another image that I felt confident about. Not knowing how to use this program really frustrated me, I missed my pencil, and paper. What I'm mostly appreciative about is, that Steven Snell helped me out a lot. He helped me crop out the picture's background, basically, he helped me understand the wonderful world of Photoshop and for that I thank himHe also gave me a link to see different fonts, I really like the fonts I used by the way it gives it decorartes the background just fine. As for what I believe I could have had worked on better was the background and on portraying emotion. Other then that I hope you understand the story that I tried to tell with my KONY 2012 poster.


  1. I think you did an amazing job for being the first time using photo shop . i really enjoyed the colors you use and the different fonts you use were also great. I defiantly liked your picture because it shows the power that Kony has. Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Nice job of putting Kony in front of all those kids. It makes the kids visible.

  3. I really like your poster because even though the font isn't bold it stands out. I think you could have made it yours by recreating the image. It would have been nice to see you recreate their image & tell your own story. It's a great poster ^.^

  4. Hello Kawen hahah .... COMO ESTAS !! ..I Really LIke Your POster . You Did A Great JOb I like The Way You Curved The Letters And The Font You Used. You Did A FANTASTIC JOb Karen ..>>> KEEP IT UP !!!
